…… the echium is looking splendid even though we can’t open the shed door! Normally we miss this wonderful display (and all the roses) although our neighbours are quite happy with the show.
Saturday had us relaxing in No1 lounge at Gatwick airport waiting for the plane to take us to Barcelona, and eventually by car to Sitges, for the 50th birthday of Mark (Olly’s partner)
We joined the 15 or so guests at the luxury villa (more of that later!) and, being the last to arrive, were soon dining out at one of the clubs in the town.
The cabaret in the later evening was very “entertaining” – and you could certainly tell the boys from the boys!
On Sunday we all became sailors for the evening for another great meal together. We’re not the full complement here but (l to r) there’s Niall, Peter, Andrew, Mark and Olly in front of Steve, Lindsey, Harvey, Justin, Ian and Doug. You might get a shot of James as a sailor later!
Taking a walk from the villa to the restaurant we had a lot of toots from passing drivers! Strange that?
An al fresco meal this time in the balmy evening of a very sunny day – we got a good tan ‘top up’ during our first full day.
Today (Monday) the morning started cool, which was nice for walk along the promenade, but the cloud soon burnt away for another scorching day.
We all enjoyed lunch on the terrace courtesy of Harvey (next to Doug) who, fingers crossed, may do it again tomorrow!
There may be no rain in Spain but there is an abundance of it on the Macclesfield!!!!