Saturday, 3 December 2011

Getting your Ecofan refurbished.

Like a  lot of boaters we have an Ecofan on “Chance”.  Ours is about 4 years old now.  We had it on our previous boat and it then took a holiday with friends for 2 years in France!  where they used it on their wood burning stove in their farm house.  Deciding they no longer needed it, it came back to us this year just in time for us to use it on ‘Chance’.IMG_3744

After a bit of use we noticed that the blades didn’t spin as fast as they used to so we searched the internet for a new motor, which costs about £15.  Then we came across a company called Calfire  who advertised a refurbishment service.  The estimate, if the motor needed to be replaced, was about £25 including a full check up and return postage.    So, glad that we kept the box, we sent if off and it was returned as good as new for £22!  The motor was replaced and they provided a test certificate as well.  Worth every penny we think when you consider the cost of a new one.  We’re delighted with the service we’ve received.

If you buy a new fan – KEEP THE BOX!


  1. Bargain! Think ours will need doing after we have had it on our wood burner all winter. Hope you are all ok

    Ali x

  2. I gave mine a squirt of WD 40 and was amazed at the difference it made.

  3. We used the same firm, excellent service plus you get another one year warranty.
