Passing through Calf Heath what should we see moored in the marina, but Captain Ahab and Belle’s boat Wand’ing Bark!
Sadly there was no sign of them but we hope to catch up with them next month!
We turned right at Autherley Junction off of the Staffs & Worcs Canal – a tricky manoeuvre perfectly executed! Difficult getting through the stop lock as the gate would not open fully. We are now on the Shropshire Union Canal. We carried on for an hour and moored up between bridges 7 and 8 near Brewood (pronounced Brood). We say “ near Brewood” but when we decided to walk in to the village we didn’t realise how far it was. With an elderly dog we walked for an hour which was at least 2 miles even at Oscar’s speed!
Oscar and Doug on the footpath to Brewood.
As poor Oscar was so hot by the time we reached the village, we decided to have a pint and eat at the Bridge Inn to give him a rest! (any excuse!) We then slowly wandered back to the boat along the canal from bridge 14 to the other side of bridge 8 (another 2 miles or so!) and arrived back at 8.30pm. Oscar is now sound asleep but has survived the experience!
Our mooring tonight at Brewood.
The view from our side hatch – the pic. doesn’t do it justice!
12 miles and 8 locks covered today