As we are in the midst of some very dull and uninspiring weather right now we thought we might use a picture with a much brighter feel in order to extend our best wishes to all of you for a very Happy New Year. Here we are at the start of our cruising back in May - so much has happened since then and we now find ourselves making plans for the next year. We hope to do the full length of the River Thames, including the Kennet and Avon when we get to Reading, and then into, and out of, London before the Olympics get under way. After that we hope to venture onto new territory and explore east of the Pennines.
As we’re missing the lifestyle a bit at the moment we are planning to use ‘Chance’ for a week in early January (if the weather permits!). James has nearly finished refurbishing the wood surround for the rear deck – the new varnish is looking really good - so we’ll take that back with us when we go and there’s sure to be a few mid winter jobs to do while we’re back on the cut as well. It’ll give us something “proper” to blog about as well!
So, once again, a very Happy New Year to you all.